Podcasts and Facebook for the Golden Age of Comic Books

It has been several years since I have updated the Golden Age of Comic Books Blog and produced any new podcasts.  As often happens, life gets in the way and other priorities push other things to the back burner.  This blog was been simmering back there, but not forgotten.

The Golden Age of Comic Books Podcast

Recently, I have received quite a few emails and messages asking about the old podcast recordings and whether they are still available.  Unfortunately, I ended my Libsyn account a long time ago, and this resulted in the feed being removed and the shows no longer available on iTunes and elsewhere.  The good news is that I have all of my original recordings backed up in the same format as when they were uploaded between 2005 and 2009.  I’ve given this a lot of thought, and decided to sign on with a new syndicator and re-post the old shows.  As you may recall (and as you can see from the Show Index tab), I did a total of 65 Golden Age of Comic Books episodes, all varying in length and file size.  I thought most of these shows had a lot to offer about the history of some really great Golden Age characters and titles, so I am glad that I can again share them on this blog and through iTunes.

So, starting in March of 2017, I have restored episodes 52 through 65 of the Golden Age of Comic Books Podcast.  You can simply go to the Show Index in the tab above and click on the link to any of these episodes.  The individual pages for episodes 52 through 65 have been updated with the new audio link.  You can listen to the episode from that page, or download it.  I have also re-registered the podcast with iTunes, so it should be available now.

My plan is to re-upload the remaining episodes over the next several months, depending on the monthly storage capacity of the syndicator.  I’m pretty sure I should have all episodes available by the middle of summer.  I’ll post to the blog each time I upload another batch of shows, so check back for more info.

Please note that the pages for the episodes that have not yet been re-uploaded are not updated and contain broken links to the audio feed and images.  I will repair each page as I get the episodes uploaded, so please pardon the mess on those pages while this remains a work in process.

A New Facebook Page for the Golden Age of Comic Books

I’m friends with many of you on Facebook and have always used my personal Facebook page to post about the blog and podcast happenings.  To make things a bit easier, I have created a Facebook page devoted only to the Golden Age of Comic Books Blog and Podcast.   As I plan to do some additional posting on the blog, and perhaps re-share some of the earlier podcasts and blog posts, the Facebook page will automatically receive these posts.  So, if you “like” the new Facebook page, you will also get notification every time I update the blog.  These updates will now also go out over my Twitter Feed, @goldenagecomics

As time goes by, I hope I will be able to find some time to post some interesting and enjoyable content on the blog.  I’m not making any promises as to the frequency of posts, but I would like to continue to share information about the Golden Age of Comic Books.




About Bill Jourdain

Bill is the host of the Golden Age of Comic Books Podcast. Learn more about Bill in the "About Bill" page to this site.
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