Golden Age of Comic Books Podcast #65 – Fifth Annual Christmas Episode!

Merry Christmas from the Golden Age of Comic Books Podcast and welcome to our fifth annual Christmas episode! For Christmas 2009, we tell the story of  “Captain Marvel and the Plot Against Christmas” from Captain Marvel Adventures #42 (January 1945).

Captain Marvel Adventures #42 (January 1945)

Captain Marvel Adventures #42 (January 1945)

In this story, Captain Marvel foils the plot of Gouge Smith to deprive the orphans of the Creedmore Orphanage of toys for Christmas.  This story is told in the tradition of Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol”.  I hope you enjoy learning about a classic Captain Marvel Christmas story from the Golden Age of Comic Books.

During the show I also request assistance from the fans of the Golden Age of Comic Books Podcast and Blog.  DC Comics is currently in the process of deciding whether to renew the license of Asgard Press to print the Vintage DC Comics Calendar.  As you know, this is a great product and I have been honored to be a part of it.  It would be very helpful (and a great Christmas present) if all of the fans of the Golden Age of Comic Books would go to and leave a nice review of the calendar.  We need all of the help we can get!  If you have time, and you enjoy this calendar and want to see more in the future, please use this link to leave us a good review.

I hope everyone has a great Holiday Season and a very Merry Christmas!

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About Bill Jourdain

Bill is the host of the Golden Age of Comic Books Podcast. Learn more about Bill in the "About Bill" page to this site.
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One Response to Golden Age of Comic Books Podcast #65 – Fifth Annual Christmas Episode!

  1. k. says:

    podcasts not available anymore? or hosted elsewhere?

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